Group Reproof

We have seen that one must reprove the speaker of loshon hora even if it is highly unlikely that the reproof will be effective.

When several people are involved in a discussion that includes loshon hora, one must speak up and caution them that what they are discussing is forbidden. However, unlike the case of an individual who speaks loshon hora, if the people ignore reproof, one should not persist in his rebuke unless he feels that his words might ultimately achieve a positive result. In an unreceptive group setting, it is wise to refrain from excessive reproof.

An exception to this rule is when one finds himself in a community where the prohibition of loshon hora has long been disregarded. Widespread disregard calls for more than ordinary reproof. It demands persistent protest, calling for an awareness of the severity of speaking loshon hora, and knowledge of what constitutes loshson hora.

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© 2020 Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation